Carlos Fausto
Professor of Anthropology, Museu Nacional, UFRJ
PIIRS Global Scholar

Carlos Fausto is a professor of anthropology at the National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He served as a visiting scholar at the universities of Chicago, Stanford and Cambridge, as well as at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and the École Pratique des Hautes Études, both in France. He has been conducting…

Pedro Herculano Ferreira de Souza
Researcher, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada
Tiago Ferro
Visiting Fellow, Princeton University; Brazilian Author
Luís Augusto Fischer
Visiting Fellow and Visiting Professor at PIIRS' Brazil LAB and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Professor of Literature, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Bernardo Flores
Postdoctoral Researcher, Graduate Program in Ecology, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Arminio Fraga *85
Founder of Gávea Investimentos
Princeton University Trustee
Cristina Freire
Visiting Research Scholar and Visiting Professor Program in Latin American Studies (2018-2019)
Agustín Fuentes
Professor of Anthropology

Research interests: Human evolution, Human variation, Human health and wellbeing, Race/Racism, Sex/Gender, Multispecies anthropology.

Thomas Fujiwara
Associate Professor of Economics
Brazil LAB Associate Director
131 Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building

Research interests: Political Economy, incentives, representation, voting, and policy

Mario Gandelsonas
Professor of Architectural Design
Class of 1913 Lecturer in Architecture

Research interests: Architecture, Urban Studies, infrastructure, modernity and semiotics