Research interests: Modern Brazilian history; militarization; borderlands; slavery and immigration.
Miqueias H. Mugge is a social and political historian and received his Ph.D. from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2016). Before joining PIIRS and the Brazil LAB, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Public and International Affairs and a Lecturer in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese (2017-2018). A former Fulbright Fellow at Princeton's History Department, Mugge studies the political economy of war, slavery, and empire-building in Latin America, with a focus on Brazil's southern frontiers. At the Brazil LAB, Mugge helps to coordinate the research hubs Safeguarding Amazonia, Indigenous Ecologies of Knowledges, and Racialized Frontiers, while leading the LAB's scientific communication and public outreach initiatives. At Princeton, Mugge teaches courses on Amazonia and Brazil-Africa. He has authored and co-authored eight books, exploring subjects as the Brazilian militia, slavery and German immigration in nineteenth century southern Brazil, and European diasporas in the Americas. He has recently published with João Biehl the book Lost Writings: The Life and Work of a Seditious Immigrant (in German and Portuguese) and is finalizing the manuscript The Fulcrum of the Empire: Military Elites, Slavery, and the Politics of War in Nineteenth Century Brazil. An engaged public intellectual, Mugge is part of the Brazil LAB's editorial collective Nexo Public Policy and is the main producer of the Brazil LAB YouTube Channel.