Ronaldo de Almeida and Pedro Meira Monteiro on Bolsonaro's Religion
On October 1, 2020, the Brazil LAB hosted a conversation on Bolsonaro’s Religion. The event featured Brazilian anthropologist Ronaldo de Almeida, from Unicamp and CEBRAP, and Princeton Professor Pedro Meira Monteiro as discussant.
Almeida's is one of the main critical voices in the debate about the growing importance of Evangelicals and more specifically Neo-Pentecostals in the political scenario of contemporary Brazil. He drew a complex picture of the presence of religion within the highest ranks of Bolsonaro's government and then made fruitful comparisons to the United States. A lively discussion followed, with special attention being paid to the individual rights that are being threatened by the federal government’s focus on traditional values and on the gradual rewriting of the 1988 Constitution in Brazil.
The event attracted a large audience from Brazil and the United States. It was co-sponsored by the Departments of Anthropology and Spanish and Portuguese.